By Intern Keren Morin

Ascender students were able to reach 100 new students during the Club Rush Mixer event held on February 14. This event was hosted by PAC Student Life in the Student Center Annex and was created to be able to inform new students about all the clubs that Palo Alto College offers. During this event, the Ascender Club received $100 in donations from Palo Alto College that will be used to enhance the club and create better opportunities for upcoming students.

Lauren Flores and Ronald Perez, Ascender Club advisor, were able to create new bonds with students. Ascender students decided that being at club rush would be beneficial to the club, not only to grow in members but also to be able to connect with more students from similar backgrounds. When asked about what the club was all about Lauren responded “Our club is about reaching first generation college students in need of a welcoming community. Some of the things we offer are community hours, field trips, and educational workshops.”

When asked about what the impact for the club was during this event Mr. Perez was quick to say “this was a great success and we were able to reach way more students than we expected.”

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