Catch the Next Publications
Policy Brief
Pedro Reyes, Ph.D., Celeste Alexander, Ph.D., Wesley Edwards, Sarah Stephens, Ph.D., Kyle English, Developmental Education: Catch the Next College Access Ascender Program. Policy Brief, University of Texas at Austin, Education Research Center. September 2020
Lois Elfman, Examples of Excelencia Finalist Diverse Issues in Higher Education, September 2021.
Villarreal Allegra, Chavez Maria Martha, Alaniz Anna, Savina Frank, Herrin John. Transformative Teaching: A Guide to CoRequisite Course Design. Pressbooks, 2018
Lerma Diane, Catching Dreams: A Collection of Inspiring Mentor Stories. Palo Alto College, (Spring 2013.) Rafael Castillo, Editor.
Journal articles
Castillo, R. “Teaching Latinx Students With Cariño: Using Validation Theory and Culturally Inclusive Pedagogy in Catch the Next’s Ascender Program.” In E.E. Doran (ed.), Emerging issues for Latinx students (49-58). New Directions for Community Colleges, 190. (2020).
Doran. E.E., & Hengesteg, P.H. Ascending toward new heights: How one program builds navigational capital for Latinx community college students. Manuscript submitted for publication consideration in The Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. (2020.)
Doran, E.E. “Building a community of practice for developmental faculty.” The Journal of Developmental Education. ( 2019.)
Doran, E.E. Developmental instructors in the contact zone: Perspectives from Hispanic-serving community colleges. In I. Baca, Y.I. Hinojosa, & S.W. Murphy (eds.), Teaching writing with bordered writers: Lessons learned at Hispanic-serving institutions (pp. 37-51). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (2019).
Castillo Rafael Building an Academic Culture for Success,” NISOD Abstracts. (2019.)“
Castillo Rafael. “Bibliographic essay on “Chicano Literature” Oxford University Press. (2019.)
Erin Doran. “Texas House Bill 51—An Incognito Performance-based Funding Policy: Implications for Access and Equity in Texas.” TXed Review (2019.)
Doran Erin “Latino Men and Community College Environments: Understanding How Belonging, Validation, and Resources Shape Experience” Journal of Applied Research in the Community Colleges. (2019)
Castillo Ralph. “The Writing Process: A Look at Pedagogy.” NISOD Innovation Abstracts. (2018.)
Doran, E.E., & Singh, A. “It’s all about the ganas”: Incorporating a multicultural curriculum in developmental education. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 42(7-8), 476-488. (2018). doi: 10.1080/10668926.2018.1429965 SJR 0.42, H-index 24,
Doran, E.E. The benefits of investing in high-quality professional development for faculty in Texas. The Journal of Pedagogy and Ideas, 1(1). (2017). Retrieved from
Doran, E.E Why Don’t We Talk About Race in Developmental Education?-highlights CTN on ACC Campus. Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) August 29,2018.
Castillo Rafael.
Finding Truth in Fiction Journal of Ideas and Pedagogy, 2018
Castillo Rafael “Close Reading with Open Eyes.” NISOD Innovation Abstracts. (2016.)
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. “Transforming Developmental Education in Texas.” Journal of Developmental Education. Volume 38, Issue 1. (Fall 2014.)
EJ1071607.pdf (
Brown Sarita. “Latino College Completion Demands Effective Student Affairs Support.” Leadership Exchange (Fall 2013.)
Nunez Ann Marie, Elizondo Diane. “Closing the Latino/a Transfer Gap: Creating Pathways to the Baccalaureate. Perspectivas Issues in Higher Education Policy and Practice. Issue 2, (Spring 2013.)
Dissertations About CTN program
Amber Sarker. Part of the Family”: Understanding the Perceptions and Experiences of Students and Faculty in a Culturally Inclusive Learning Community Located in a Texas Community College Texas State University. (2019.)
Ybarra Evans Stacy. Formative evaluation of the college readiness program’s Learning frameworks curriculum” Capella University (2019) CAPSTONE.
Anupma Singh, The Role of a Supplemental Community College Program for the Latinx Students: Testing the Catch the Next Dream Catchers Program- Iowa State University. CAPSTONE Program. (Spring, 2017.)
Doran E. Erin. What’s expected of us as we integrate reading and writing?”:Constructing developmental education at a Hispanic-serving community college” The University of Texas at San Antonio, (2015.)
Alvarado Jane Elizabeth. “Focused but Flexible: A Multiple Case Study of the Scale-up of the CTN Program in Three Texas Community Colleges” University of California Los Angeles, (2015.)
Tool Kits COVID
Reyna Yolanda, Rodriguez Daniel, Saenz Rogelio, Torres Alfredo. Steppingstones to Student Success. Dec. 2020.(English):
Reyna Yolanda, Rodriguez Daniel, Saenz Rogelio, Torres Alfredo. Pasadera Hacia El Triunfo Para Estudiantes. (Spanish):
Tool Kits Ascender Components
Villarreal Allegra and CTN Fellows. Tool Kits: English. Catch the Next, Inc. July 2015.
Villarreal Allegra and CTN Fellows. Tool Kit: Learning Frameworks. Catch the Next, Inc. July 2015.
Villarreal Allegra and CTN Fellows. Tool Kit: Supporting Student Achievement, Advising Events. Catch the Next, Inc. July 2015.
Villarreal Allegra and CTN Fellows. Tool Kit: Mentoring. Catch the Next, Inc. July 2015.
PD Training Materials - Catch The Next
Op Eds
Ybarra Stacy Commentary: College entrance exams fail students For the Express-News (May 8, 2020.)
Castillo Ralph, “Good-bye, college ‘remedial’ courses — hello, ‘co-requisites’ San Antonio Express News, (2018.)
Torres Alfredo, “A Way to Beat the College Transfer Blues” San Antonio Express News, (2018.)
Castillo Ralph.” PAC College Readiness Program (CTN) Wins National Honor” San Antonio Express News: Southside Reporter, (2018.)
Castillo Ralph, “Poetry finding its niche in the 21st century.” Interview with CTN Peer mentor, Fernando Flores. San Antonio Express News, (2018.)
Castillo Ralph, “The Classroom Lecture is not Dead” San Antonio Express News, (2018.)
Castillo Ralph, “Catch the Next propelling Latino students to success” San Antonio Express, (July 31, 2017)
Castillo Rafael, “Metaphors are the pan dulce of life” MySan Antonio. (May 21, 2017.)
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