ACC recently aired their fifth episode of Ready, Set, Ascender. Hosts Alejandra Polcik, ACC Ascender Hispanic Outreach Projects Manager, and Megan Diaz, ACC Ascender Outreach Specialist, began the program with news and updates. Diaz shared that ACC was named one of the top Hispanic Serving institutions by Texas Online Colleges. Next, she encouraged viewers to get their COVID vaccines and continue safety measures like wearing masks. She then shared information and dates for summer registration. Polcik spoke about celebrating Cesar Chavez on March 31 and encouraged participants to watch the movie made about him.

The “Students in Action” segment featured Ascender student Erika “Gaby” Gonzalez showing viewers how to make soap, a business she has recently started. When Polcik asked Gaby why she got into the Ascender program and how it helped her, she replied, “I didn’t pass my TSI, and I took it twice.” One of her instructors from college prep told her about the program and she said, “Ok I will give it a try.” She added, “It has been really helpful being here. You can always talk to the teachers. You’re always here whenever we need something, and I like that. It makes you feel like a familia.”

Ariel Flores, Master AOS Advisor, Student Affairs, was featured in the “En un Dia” segment of the program.  Flores shared some aspects of her quarantined life with viewers. Even though she has not been going many places, she does visit Barnes and Nobles. “I am a huge book lover and one of my favorite genres is science fiction. She has also been focusing more on her physical health by walking and running at the park. She considers this one of her best decisions as it “can be really calming.” She also introduced viewers to her cat who she said is “living his best life every day with me here at home.” She shared her career path with viewers and said she “loves helping people when they first start out. I can utilize my own experiences with my students. I very much wish I had had something like this program when I was in school.”

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