By Daniela Urbano

South Texas College announced that they would be moving all face-to-face courses to online due to the pandemic. The college took these measures to protect the student body, faculty and others from getting the virus. I’ve been feeling a little bit overwhelmed and stressed about moving all my classes to online. It was something that happened so quickly and most of us were not prepared for these sudden changes.

The idea of changing a class setting from a classroom to my bedroom is unnatural. I already had gotten used to my schedule of waking up at six in the morning to be able at be on campus for my 8 am class. After class I would go to a quiet area on campus to get ahead with homework before going home. This made me feel that I didn’t have too much homework.

It’s been a bit difficult especially because I’m taking a chemistry course this semester. Before leaving for spring break, we didn’t completely finish the lessons in balancing equations and stoichiometry. The past few days, I have spent most of my time trying to self-teach myself the material from where I left off in class in order to complete the homework assignments that I still have to do. This affects me because later on I will get behind in my other assignments and reading for other classes.

What has been making this easy, however, is that my professors are always trying to keep us updated with the changes that the school is making. They also provide us with locations that will have hotspots available to students who don’t have internet access.

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